Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day 17 ~ Recycling

Holy mother of goodness and grace! What did I get myself into? As I posted yesterday I started stripping down the house of clutter and this is a HUGE project.

I continued boxing up things, throwing things away, building a massive shred pile and organizing the home. This is definitely a process. I really didn't think my house was all that cluttered but the paper work is the one thing that is getting me. I feel like my head is going to explode. Needless to say I got a lot done today but I will continue on for the next week going through each room of the house.

Something new we did today was teach the girls how they can recycle. We also made a promise as a family that for the 2010 year we would give up paper and plastic bags at the grocery store and stick with our recycled bags.

The first thing we did was took the girls to the recycling area and showed them how you recycle cans. At the recycling centers where I grew up, you would take all your cans, put them in a giant bucket, and they would weigh them. Where I live now you load them into a machine and one by one they are counted and crushed, with a loud ROAR, CRASH, CRRRRRRR, you get the picture. The area also has a smell of stale beer and soda pop which for some reason makes me laugh. I often compare the experience to a rock concert. You leave with your ears ringing and with the faint smell of stale beer on your clothes.

My mother use to take me as a girl to recycle cans and we would go get a treat after with the cash back. It was a fun thing. That is what I wanted to do with my girls too! I want it to be something they will continue to do as they grow older. My view on recycling cans is you are getting payed to take care of the environment. I mean, I would do it for free, but heck, if you want to pay me for it then by all means. I don't understand why people wouldn't recycle.

Needless to say, the girls thought it was awesome and I am so glad because I expect my girls to teach their children someday! As for the recyclable bags, I love this idea. I plan on sticking to it!