Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day 49 ~ Clean Eating

I started something new today, a diet. Well, they say it is not a diet but a lifestyle change. Whatever you call it, it wasn't too bad.

Today I also gave up Soda pop. It didn't even bother me until I got in the car to go somewhere and normally I pick up a pop for the drive. I swear I was twitching. Today it was water. I had water, water, water and some more water. I enjoy my soda pop, but lets be honest, there is nothing but crap in it. After a day of no pop I figured I would have a horrible headache but I actually feel pretty good tonight. I ate clean foods all day, no perservatives, all natural, and maybe it is just me, but I feel a little different. We'll see how this goes. Wish me luck, I got some pounds to lose!