Sunday, January 31, 2010

Day 31 ~ Homemade Valentines

Valentines Day is fun. The kids love it and so do I. Every year we get cards for all their classmates and they address them and stuff them with candy. This year I wanted to make a little change. I decide that instead of spending so much time and energy on Valentines for our classmates, we would focus more time and energy on those we love. Isn't that what Valentines is really all about? Besides, kids will be delighted with any card that holds a sugar treasure.

My day started out a little off. I got something in my eye that would not come out and I walked around this afternoon like a one eyed pirate. I would hoot and holler at any random minute when the pain would just bug me enough, and yes, I even was yelling ARRRRR! My eye was so red I didn't even want to open it, and kept it closed a good part of the day. My daughter pointed out the fact that I looked and sounded like a pirate with my eye all scrunched up. If I had an option of an eye patch, I swear I would have worn it!

I had a plan to start our Valentine's cards today, so we made our way to Micheal's, the best store in the world. We got our supplies, came home, and got started. I sat down and made my own Valentines for my nieces and nephews, and the girls made some for all the family they could think of. It ended up being not just fun for them, but for me. So often I have a project for them, and I am so busy helping I don't get to sit to have fun myself. I can't wait to get these sent out and to see how our family reacts.

Today our new thing was homemade Valentine's cards, and although my eye is still driving me a little NUTS, I had a lot of fun!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Day 30 ~ The Magic of Ordinary Days

Tonight I watched a wonderful movie titled, The Magic of Ordinary Days. I thought it was the perfect title to my day.

As this month ends, I am so happy to say I have made it this far on my journey. 365 days seems like a big task to unfold but it is the magic in the ordinary days that keeps me going. I would love to go to Paris, Hawaii, travel the world but it is the magic I share every day with my family that keeps me happy. It is the little things we try together, like bowling, and movies, puppets and even a new treat that make our days special. I sat and wrote down 100 things I would like to do this year and I am hoping whoever reads this will also give me some great ideas of adventure, or even some great grubb to get my hands on. I plan on taking a hot air balloon ride, and I am sooooooo terrified but I am going to conquer my fear. I want to learn to swing dance with my hubby, and even finish a few things I started years ago, including a song and a tattoo.

Today's ordinary magic was teaching my girls 3 of my favorite things as a child, two square, slam ball and how to pitch a softball. I wish I would have recorded it. My oldest was laughing so hard she could barely hit the ball and when she pitched her first shot it nearly went over the fence. As for my 5 year old, I just about died laughing when playing two square. I threw the ball to her and she grabbed it, took it, and chucked it out in the yard. I asked her, "What are you doing?" "I am getting you out mom," she says, "I thought I was suppose to keep it away from you." For the rest of my life I will remember today. I will remember their laughter and smiles and how much fun we had.

It is truly the magic in ordinary days that make life special and I plan on making each day count. So hears to you and hears to another 335 days of Living, Giving and Laughter!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Day 29 ~ Bowling

When I was a kid we had a bowling alley in town that was within walking distance. My brothers would take me down there to bowl and play video games. I can still remember playing pac man and centipede and how much fun we would have. As I got older, it was torn down and I was so sad to see it go. It was such a fun memory from childhood.

My mission was to find a fun bowling alley for us to have a great family night. My two youngest have never gone bowling, and I haven't bowled in about 4 years. We took them to Wilsonville Lanes, got them shoes, and set them up at a lane. I would have to say, this was the best thing so far this year. The kids were so funny!!Every time the kids would knock down a pin they would clap, cheer, hug each other, and give high fives. Hailey was skipping, dancing and singing. She sang this is SO AWESOME, over and over again until she slipped and fell flat on her butt. People were laughing and smiling at how much fun the kids were having.

After their game was over we went and played at the arcade area. We raced in the Fast and the Furious cars and I was shocked at how well my 7 year old did. My husband kept saying, "Try your break Madelynn!" She would yell back, "Why? What for?" She just kept the gas pedal to the floor the whole race. I am guessing it is a sign of what is to come.

While racing with the kids I heard a sound, it sounded like angels singing and when I turned it was like a light was shinning down from the heavens. Do you know what I saw? Ms PAC MAN! It has to be my favorite game of all time. Most of all, it reminds me of being a kid. I turned 7 again and laughed, giggled and clapped my hands, and ran to the game. This time it was me yelling THIS IS SO AWESOME!! Did I play it? You bet your sweet bippy I did, 3 times. It was so much fun and I still have a smile on my face. It may also be the fact I kicked my husband's butt in air hockey, and once again I was the CHAMP!!!!

Our new thing tonight was bowling and arcade games. We really had a wonderful time tonight and I hope to do it again soon.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 28 ~ Family and a Puppet

Today was a great day! I have been eyeing this family sign for 5 months now. Every time I would walk by I'd look and think, hmmmmmm I LOVE that sign. Today I got it 50% off and I was right I LOVE IT! It is a perfect fit right above my kitchen cupboards. Everytime I walk in the kitchen I can't help but smile.

Today we did a family project and made puppets. When my hubby has the night off we often make it a family night, and we all watch a movie together, but lets be honest, watching a movie really doesn't classify as quality family time. I mean, don't get me wrong, it is great sometimes but it is not the same as actually DOING something together. I enjoy doing things with the kids but projects at night are a little hard too because, I am SOOOO WHIPPED!!!! There are some nights that I don't even sit because I know if I do, it will all be over. I will sit, my eyes will sag, and the show is over. I don't go to sleep but I do just stop.

Building the puppets was great. We all worked together and the kids loved it!! It did take a little time to put together and follow directions but it was worth it in the end. Personally I think the glue gun hates me. I love it with all I got, but it has something against me, the glue jumps right off the gun to burn me every time. If it wasn't for the fact that I couldn't live without it, I would chuck it across the room and right out the front door.

Once the puppets were finished, the kids ran around the house neighing and laughing. All my husband and I could do was laugh at how wild and loud our kids are. They may be wild but they are also passionate, and loving, and so precious.

Tonight I got something new for the house and the girls made some wild horses, or should I say became wild horses.

If you are interested in building your own puppet with your kids here is the link we used.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Day 27 ~ The Sopranos

Yes, it is true, I have never seen an episode of the Sopranos. It has been a topic for so many years and I have always wanted to see what the hype was all about. It seems everyone watched it, they would crack jokes or quote sayings, but honestly, I had no idea what the heck people were talking about because I have the most basic cable ever allowed to man. I have never seen the Sopranos, but I have seen The Godfather saga at least 15 times.

Tonight my plan is to watch the 1st season. I have my DVD, my popcorn, my water and my blanket and plan on making a night of it. It is 4 hours worth so I am going to cut this short and start watching! I will have to let you know what I thought in my comment section tomorrow. I think this is going to be a late night!

If you are a Sopranos fan, let me know. I am curious as to how many of you loved it or hated it!

It is 11:00 pm and I just finished it. I LOVED IT! You love Tony and hate him all in one episode. I can't wait to get my next Sopranos DVD from Netflicks.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day 26 ~ Taco Soup

Today I tried a new recipe, Taco Soup.

Yes, I know the title doesn't sound all that great but don't let that stop you because it was AWESOME. Everyone in the family liked it, even the baby and it was so simple.

It looks a little crazy but is soooo good!!

Taco Soup

2 15 oz cans black beans with juice
1 28 oz can of diced tomatoes
1 1/2 c frozen corn
1/2 onion
1 lbs ground beef
1 packet or more of taco seasoning
3/4 cup of water
cheese, cilantro, green onions and or sour cream to garnish
a good bag of tortilla chips to crush on top

Cook ground beef and season with salt and pepper. You can add onion to cook with meat or add to slow cooker later. Once meat is cooked add meat and all ingredients to slow cooker set on high. Let cook 7 hours.

When done garnish with all your favorite toppings

Monday, January 25, 2010

Day 25 ~ Creating Something New

I read this today on an awesome blog, and knew I had to post it because it describes how I feel in life.

"Woman was born to creating she becomes herself, accomplishes her destiny. Her whole life is only an initiation into creative power. To create is not merely to produce a is to give out ones own individuality."
-Jeanne De Vietinghoff

As moms we create art, peace, solutions, dinner, just about everything we do tests and uses our creativity. It expresses who we are. I hear so many people say, "Oh but I do not have a creative bone in my body!" I say B.S. to that. Using your creativity doesn't just mean sitting down to craft it up, or having the skill to paint a masterpiece. To me creativity is a state a mind. The ability to use ones senses and imagination all in one.

Using my creativity is my happy place. If only more people would believe in power of creativity we may not have so many disagreements in life, and the world would be a happier place, and we would love people for who they are, not who we want them to be.

Tonight I got creative with dinner and the kids loved it. I also got creative with some pictures I took this summer and I have to say tonight I am a happy girl!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Day 24 ~ A Good End to the Week

Today the Wild Six got together an attempted to make their own jewelry boxes. They turned out beautiful!!

Today we got together with friends and the Wild Six attempted another project together. Today they made jewelry boxes. As you can tell from the pictures they turned out so great and the kids had a blast. We even got brave and gave the two littlest their own set of paints and brushes and they were so thrilled to be a part of the whole project.

After our rough weekend, the laughter in the room was such a happy welcome. When the kids came home to sleep they crashed out in a matter of seconds, which was a sign they had a great night. I love to do new activities that allow my girls to express their individuality and to be honest seeing them smile so big makes me smile.

A new project, for a new day and a wonderful end to a hard week.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Day 23 ~ A Reminder

Yesterday was a bad day. A real crappy day.

I got a call from my husband yesterday while I was grocery shopping. He found out they are doing major layoffs at the site he works at and the contract workers were the first to go. Needless to say, his last day will be this coming Friday. Although it was a contract job, this was unexpected, but as you know with corporate business, it is nothing personal. It is always a numbers game. So we are right back where we were 10 months ago and I woke up mad. Not mad at anyone, just mad at the circumstances. Mad at life. I spent all of yesterday in shock and most of this morning mad. I don’t worry about me, my wants, my needs, it is my children who I worry about. It is that fear of how will we provide? Yes, I know it will all work out fine, but the job market really stinks, there is not much out there and it is scary. I am so thankful for the fact my husband has a second job because although it won’t pay all the bills it is still an income and we are very fortunate for that. I spent most of my morning whining and bitching and moaning until I heard this little voice saying "LORD ALMIGHTY, SSSHHHUUUTTT UP!!!!!” Yes, it was me talking to myself. “Jennifer, pull it together and stop your bitching! This is so pathetic! You are so blessed!” I swear it was strange, just like a movie. I decided that minute I would stop the negative and focus on the positive because I am blessed. Everything is so relative. You look at the aftermath of the earth quake in Haiti and the tragedy involved and how so many people don’t even have their basic needs and I am complaining? So many have lost their family and friends and I am bitching? It made me really take a second look at my situation and realize how lucky I really am because I am VERY BLESSED.

Later in the day I got a call from a very close friend who had gone through the same financial struggle we are facing once again. She wanted to meet us for a little shopping and dinner. I was still feeling a little down and at first said no. The truth is I can’t afford it. Well, she was not taking no for an answer and finally convinced me to meet her with the kids. I figured there is no harm in looking, plus some good company would be a good distraction. Remember, I am done whining. Well, I had no idea what she had in store for me. Not only did she take myself and the kids to my very favorite restaurant (Zao Noodles) her treat, but proceeded to purchase each one of my girls something special. I said no, but once again, she wasn’t taking no for an answer. As for why she did this, she did it to make me smile. She did this because she knew I would say no at first, but that ultimately she would win, and ultimately it would make me laugh and the kids would love it. She did this for me because she wanted to let me know that no matter how bad things got, that she was there. What she did was remind me of the fact that it isn’t the things you have, the home you own, or the cars you drive that make you happy, it is the people in your life that count. So I sit here tonight and smile, and really feel like everything will be alright because I am truly blessed.

My new thing for the day was a wonderful surprise from a dear friend and the reminder of how truly blessed I am!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Day 22 ~ Dinner with Friends

Tonight we had new friends over for dinner.

My husband has a friend at work that we have been meaning to have over and tonight he and his wife came for dinner. When they arrived they came bearing gifts. I had made pasta for dinner but found myself forgetting my meal all together to eat what they had brought us. I had baklava, CHOCO sandwich cookies, pismaniye and loads of fresh pita bread with hummus and baba ganoush. So many of these flavors I have never had before, and they were delicious. I must say it was WAY better than my pasta!

After dinner we all sat and visited and laughed and had such a good time. Even as I type this I wonder why we didn't do this sooner and plan on making sure we have them over again.

Today my new thing was new friends over for dinner and it was the silver lining to a hard day.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day 21 ~ Under the Stars

Tonight my husband and I took some time to sit outside and spend some time alone. We borrowed a fire pit from my neighbor, bought a new beer, and sat outside and relaxed. We rarely get time alone, and it was so nice to snuggle under the stars with a warm fire. It is great to have him home tonight, where we can just hang out together.We must have sat out there for 3 hours and just enjoyed the fire pit.

To be honest, I have always wanted a fire pit so when my neighbor offered hers tonight I jumped at it. We have never had one in our backyard so it is definitely something new, something we plan on getting this year for sure. My hubby, a warm fire, and a cold beer. What a great night!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 20 ~ New Day New Food

Today was a day of major indulgence, trying our new taco shop in town!

Where I grew up there were taco shops all over town and in my mind, even when taquitos are bad, they are still good. I LOVE Mexican food. Yes, I know taquitos are probably not the healthiest choice but there is nothing like rolled tacos with gauc and cheese. Not to mention carne asada chips, don't get me started.

We got a new drive through taco shop in town and I have been so excited to try it. I miss my Los Panchos, and Good Old Sombrero's back home. I decided to surprise my hubby with some good ol' Mexican taco shop food: Carne asada burrito, and to my surprise they actually had my favorite ROLLED TACOS. I grew up in San Diego and with my friends back home rolled tacos are an added food group: grains, vegetables, fruits, fats and oils, milk and dairy products, Protein, and rolled tacos. Ok, so maybe I am over exaggerating, but I do love them and in all honesty I do not know one person back in good old San Diego who isn't partial to some good taquitos!!

So that is what we got tonight and I was as happy as a lark. My husband was thrilled and the girls loved their tacos! Boy, this trying new foods and resturant thing ROCKS! One thing I learned was if I am going to keep this up I better take on some major exercise because if I don't I am afraid of what my butt will look like at the end of the year.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 19 ~Tried myself a Rueben

I admit I am one of those girls who finds something I like on a menu and sticks with it. Today I tried something new and that included a Reuben.

I am sure most of you know what a Reuben is, but for those who don't the Reuben sandwich is a sandwich made with corned beef, sauerkraut, Swiss cheese, Russian or sometimes Thousand Island dressing, on grilled or toasted rye bread so states the Wikipedia!

What did I think? I thought it was pretty darn good! I do love sauerkraut, so can you really good wrong when that is involved? A little salty, but a little lip smacking good. It is so funny how we can go to 10 different restaurants and I can guarantee my husband will order a hamburger, that has cheese and bacon, and I will order some sandwich, that has avocado and chicken. I guess it is that fear that if I order something else, it may be terrible, and now I just wasted money on a crappy meal. Well, today I tried something new and it taught me that there are SO many great flavors out there that are just waiting to be tasted!! I think this is going to be my favorite part of this year. Trying new foods!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 18 ~ Started a new challenge

Today we started this challenge as a family. I consider our family pretty close but thought this would be a fun challenge to tackle. Ours is slightly modified but here is how it is posted on Oprah:

Rule 1: No Cell Phones or Texting
Technology allows us to keep in touch in 24 hours a day, but that doesn't guarantee meaningful connections. "That's the confusion," Peter says. "You could lock yourself in a room and send a thousand e-mails a day and 100,000 text messages, but you are not connected."

For one week, ban the use of cell phones, texting devices and PDAs in your home. The short texts you often receive from your kids may just turn into real conversations!

This is easy for us. My kids are too young for cell phones and I rarely use my cell phone. As for texting my husband and I are very slow so we avoid it all together.

Rule 2: No Electronics
How many times have you found your family watching the same show in different rooms? Can you even count the number of fights your children have over who gets to use the computer next? "[Shift the focus of the family, and particularly children, away from self-parenting, away from TV, away from passive entertainment," Peter says.

Give your family the gift of peace and quiet by banning all electronic devices for one week. Institute family game nights, nightly story time or a daily walk to the park. By the end of the week, your family will realize the greatest entertainment in life comes from spending time with one another.

I have to use the computer for work and my blog but swear to only use it for those instances. I also plan on saving it for night when the children are in bed and when my husband is working. Today was the first day of no TV and I was so nervous about it and whether I could stick to it. The truth is, when I am getting dinner ready it's normally the perfect time to put something on and have the children relax. Today they knew there would be no TV and it actually went really well, and I enjoyed not having a battle about it. We played with Lego's, blocks, went to the park (no rain today), read books and had a really good time today.

Rule 3: Prepare and Eat Healthy Meals Together
For families, no room in the home is more important than the kitchen. "The kitchen nourishes your family in so many ways," Peter says. "If your children are not receiving that nourishment—and not just the stuff into their mouths, but the stuff into their beings—if they are not getting that around the table, where are they being nourished?"

Stripping away the junk food and make healthy meals together is an instant way to reconnect. Try it for a week and you'll find that everyone in your family will feel better about themselves mind, body and soul.

The girls and I all sat around the table tonight and ate together and it was so nice. I normally cook healthy food but I admit I am normally standing, not sitting and enoying my time with them.

Rule 4: Clean and Organize the House
Your home should be your sanctuary, and clutter does nothing but create tension and unrest in families. "If you're not connected to your home, if you are not connected to where you live, if your home doesn't bring you peace and calm and focus and harmony, where are you getting that from?"

Still working on this one but I am really liking the office right now it is beautiful and clutter free!!

Rule 5: You Must Hug and Say "I Love You" to Each Family Member at Least Once a Day
With so many other distractions in your life, you may be neglecting to do the one thing your family needs even more than the latest video game system or designer dress. Everyone needs love and affection, and here's your chance to let your family know how you really feel about them.

This is not a problem. I think I must hug and kiss my husband and girls a 1,000 times a day. I love you is something I say all the time. I always want them to know that they are the loves of my life. We are all like that in this family.

Under this rule, moms and dads have a special assignment—have a date night! "One night once a month is worth a hundred weeks of vacation at the end of the year," Peter says. "Once a month, reconnect."

We love date night but we just never get to it. My hubby works a lot and it is hard to find a babysitter but this will definitely be something we shoot for this year.

Rule 6: Create 6 New Stripped Down Rules at the End of the Week
This week may have been difficult, but it's also been eye-opening. Look back at what worked and what didn't. Continue to build upon the positive things that came out of the challenge by creating six new rules as a group and follow them for years to come.

Looking forward to what we come up with at the end of the week!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day 17 ~ Recycling

Holy mother of goodness and grace! What did I get myself into? As I posted yesterday I started stripping down the house of clutter and this is a HUGE project.

I continued boxing up things, throwing things away, building a massive shred pile and organizing the home. This is definitely a process. I really didn't think my house was all that cluttered but the paper work is the one thing that is getting me. I feel like my head is going to explode. Needless to say I got a lot done today but I will continue on for the next week going through each room of the house.

Something new we did today was teach the girls how they can recycle. We also made a promise as a family that for the 2010 year we would give up paper and plastic bags at the grocery store and stick with our recycled bags.

The first thing we did was took the girls to the recycling area and showed them how you recycle cans. At the recycling centers where I grew up, you would take all your cans, put them in a giant bucket, and they would weigh them. Where I live now you load them into a machine and one by one they are counted and crushed, with a loud ROAR, CRASH, CRRRRRRR, you get the picture. The area also has a smell of stale beer and soda pop which for some reason makes me laugh. I often compare the experience to a rock concert. You leave with your ears ringing and with the faint smell of stale beer on your clothes.

My mother use to take me as a girl to recycle cans and we would go get a treat after with the cash back. It was a fun thing. That is what I wanted to do with my girls too! I want it to be something they will continue to do as they grow older. My view on recycling cans is you are getting payed to take care of the environment. I mean, I would do it for free, but heck, if you want to pay me for it then by all means. I don't understand why people wouldn't recycle.

Needless to say, the girls thought it was awesome and I am so glad because I expect my girls to teach their children someday! As for the recyclable bags, I love this idea. I plan on sticking to it!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Day 16 ~ Stripping Down

Today I made to attempt to begin the stripping down process. Get your mind out of the gutter. I am removing clutter!!

My neighbor across the street is the best! She is the most organized girl I know. She called me yesterday and asked if I had watched Oprah because they had the best episode on striping down your life. I answered with, "I am not stripping for anyone, I have had three children for Gods sake!" Well, she convinced me to watch it, and it was a pretty awesome idea. There were 6 different steps but the one I started with was stripping down my home.

I definitely have clutter in the home. I think enough clutter that is causes unnecessary stress. I am constantly picking up things, too many things! So that is what I started today. My wonderful friend came over and we began the strip down process. Let me tell you, it wasn't easy but by tomorrow night I think I will feel differently about my home. I posted a picture tonight of what we have to donate so far. I think tomorrow my picture will have twice as many items.

Today I starting stripping down, I can't wait to see what I will be able to get rid of tomorrow!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Day 15 ~ The Importance of Friendship

I am a firm believer in the importance of family, family love, and family loyalty. We spend most of our time together and my girls are great friends. What I focused on today was the importance of friendship for my eldest daughter.

I have always stressed to our girls to always have each others backs. That family will be there always, no matter what, but what I realized is that I also need to teach my girls the importance of friendships. I can honestly say that a lot of my friends I have today I have known most of my life. In fact, one of the closest people to me in life, I have known since 4th grade. I have been blessed with so many wonderful friends that have been there for me through good and bad times, and many of these friendships I developed as a child. My daughters are growing older and I realized they need that too. We all need our girlsfriends. I can’t imagine my life without mine.

Today we had my daughter’s best friend over from school. They are two peas in a pod. They laughed and smiled and hid out in Madelynn’s room just being girls. They discussed a club, rules and who would be invited, and they whispered and giggled all the way through. In that moment it was a flash back to age 7, and how your best friend was the coolest thing ever. How they understood you better than anyone else and how you enjoyed just hanging out together. They rode the bus home together, talked, played, had pizza, then finally said goodbye, and my daughter immediately asked when we can do this again. It is funny to think in 28 years they could be sitting and talking about the time they spent together as kids and what fun they had. I realized tonight how enjoyable it was having my daughter’s friend here, and that my little girl is growing up.

Today began my daughter’s lesson in the bonds girls can share, and the importance of friendship.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day 14 ~ Stop being so dang uptight!

Stop being so dang uptight! That is right, my husband and I have been known to be a little uptight on occasion.

My kids have been begging to go to McDonalds for what seems like forever. We used to go and play in the play area in town and they loved it, but we haven’t really been in two years. After my girls had the H1N1 virus last year I swore off any and all play areas that are indoors which is hard living in a area that gets a lot of rain. I guess you could say I turned into a mild germaphobe.

I also did not like fast food for the kids, but lately I have come to the conclusion that a hamburger now and again is not going to kill you and to be honest sometimes they are so good. My mother always says, everything in moderation, and I think she is right. So tonight we decided to not be so dang uptight and surprised the kids by taking them to McDonalds for a happy meal and some play. I cannot tell you how excited they were. Tonight my youngest had her first happy meal and to be honest I think the thing they were most excited about was the toy in the bag. I think we all felt that way as a kid.

It is the little things in life that make our children happy. Taking them to McDonalds, a happy meal, dad and mom there, and a play area, that is all it took for pure joy to spread across their faces. Seeing true joy in my children’s faces put true joy in my heart. Yes, I had them wash their hands before they ate, and before we left, and they did take showers when they got home but little by little I will lighten up and it is going to be a process for me too. Tonight my husband and I tried something new, we stopped being so dang uptight and found out we had a pretty good time.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day 13 ~ Breaking the Night Owl

Tonight I thought I would try to relax for a change. No cleaning, no working, no nothing!! I would like to tell you this relaxation was going to take place at a spa or a tropical island, but with my budget it will be held at home. My new thing for the day is relaxation and for once an early bedtime.

So you ask, "What is the big deal about going to bed early?" For me it is HUGE. Most people know I am a bit of a night owl. I rarely go to bed before 12 am and often am awake until 2 am. I cannot tell you the last time I was in bed before 11:30 pm. My problem is I have difficultly falling asleep at night and unfortunately regardless of the time I go to sleep, I am always up by 7:00 am at the latest. My children are all very early riser, Hailey often wakes up around 5:30 just like her father, and they are happy about waking up. I wake up tired every morning with one eyed halfway open and the other shut. I would be bold enough to say I bear a slight resemblance to Popeye. When I told my Mom that I was planning on being in bed by 9:30 pm she laughed at me. That is how bad I am about getting in bed early and getting rest. She laughed!!

It is funny, my husband can fall asleep in a matter of seconds, his head hits the pillow and he is out. I admit I have even timed him on how fast he would say something and then be sleep. His record is 30 seconds. Of course I had to wake up to say, "Hey it just took you 30 seconds to start snoring!" You can imagine how much he appreciated that one.

My goal for tonight was to try to relax early enough that when I did go to bed, I would sleep. We will see how that one works out. My plan is simple:
A quick chick flick
Hot tea or a cold beer
A hot bath with bubbles of course
Relaxing music
Bed time by 9:30
Wish me luck, I may wake up with a smile on my face or clenched teeth. My new thing for today is learning to relax and get some overdue sleep!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day 12 ~ A New Boutique

Normally when I hear the word Boutique I think cute, sassy, unique and CHA CHING. When I see them a little voice goes off in my head, do not stop, do not shop, warning, warning! I wonder, will buying something there cost me my arm, my leg or both. I have driven by a little boutique everyday for a year with that warning in my head, today I ignored it and went in. I was glad I did.

I love shopping but these days with three kids I can’t decide which is more painful, a root canal or shopping with 3 little girls at the mall. My girls are sweet but you know the routine, stay close to the stroller, don’t touch that please, stop hiding in the clothes rack, please don’t be running in the store, we are inside so use your inside voice, stop messing with your sister! Today I had an hour to myself, well myself and my 2-year old co-pilot, and we headed to the local boutique in town I have heard so much about, but had not yet dared to enter. I had planned on going in and just looking. I love boutiques but quite often they are way out of my price range. With a tight budget, I rarely spend money on new clothes for myself, but I thought it would be fun to just look at the new fashions and styles.

I loved it! She had SO many cute things, many high end brands that I was sure were way out of my budget, but I was completely wrong. I was so surprised when I found her pricing to be very affordable. I even found the BEST jeans on sale (70 % off) that lifted and tucked in all the right spots. Is there anything better than finding an amazing deal? It is funny, it goes back to the simple idea that you don’t really know unless you try. All this time there has been a great little boutique that I have been passing by on my way to the mall, when I could have saved time and money by shopping locally. I plan on going back very soon! I tried something new today and not only did I find a cool shop, but now my new jeans have put my butt right back where it belongs!

Nikki Jane's Boutique
1505 Portland Rd (Hwy 99), Suite# 210
Newberg, Oregon 97132

Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 11 ~ Getting Organized

I once heard that your bedroom can be a reflection of your life. If that is the case then I am definitely in trouble. Day 11 included a day of cleaning and organizing my bedroom.

I walked around the house today picking up toys, tiding up things and realized something very strange. My girls rooms are organized, clothing neatly hung, toys in correct bins, but my room, my room looked like a bomb went off. I spend so much time picking up after everyone else, helping the girls with their rooms, I rarely have time to work on my room, my things. I love things organized, it is just the time it takes to get there is utterly painful. I wish I could just snap my finger and BOOM, everything would be put in its place. I love the commercial with Kelly Ripa where she walks around the house and throws things in the air and things magically go on hangers, in drawers, and are put away. Unfortunately in the real world that doesn't happen and organizing can take you alllllllll stinking day.

So..... that is what I did today, I completely reorganized my room and closet and made it soooooooo clean you could have taken a white hankie to it and not found an ounce of dust. I hear people talk about how cleaning is therapy, how they even enjoy it at times. Well, I am not one of those people. I love things clean and tidy but hate the process of it. I can not tell you how many times today I wanted to take a big trash bag and just throw it all away. I swear I was mumbling to myself the entire time, saying things I will not repeat. Once I was finished, it looked so beautiful! I felt like this weight was off my shoulders, and I was happy. All the work today, was worth it.

Note to self:
Do something fun tomorrow, cleaning sucks.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Day 10 - Movie Night with the Wild Six

My friend and I both have 3 girls and all our girls are under the age of seven. Every one of our girls have strong personalities and when we go places we feel like we just don't arrive, we seem to take over. Tonight I invited the girls over for a late night movie night, something we haven't yet attempted. So began my new thing for the day.

Tonight I had 6 girls on the couch, Madelynn 7, Madeline 7, Hailey 5, Margaret 4, Miriam 3, and Kyndall 2. They all got in their PJs, got their blankets, and parked it. They laughed and giggled together while shoveling handfuls full of popcorn in their mouth. If you think 6 teenage girls is loud, try 6 under the age of 7. They all talk to each other in one voice, loud, and each one gets louder with a new story to share. Their laugh though, it is almost contagious, and once one starts giggling, they all follow in a matter of seconds. My friend and I just sit and smile. We have learned so much from each other including the importance of patience and ear plugs. We love to sit and have a soda pop and laugh at how crazy our kids are.

Tonight my new thing was movie night with the wild six and although I have lost hearing in my left ear, we had a blast.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Day 9 - Secret Hideaway

I heard from so many people and in so many books that everyone should create a special spot in the home. A spot that brings them comfort, and joy. A Secret Hideaway where you can read, write, think, or even sketch. I finally created my own secret hideaway.

With three little girls, it seems as though they have taken over in most rooms. Of course I still claim the kitchen as mine, since I do most the cooking. My husband claims the garage, but can you blame him when he is out numbered 4 to 1? The truth is, you can find their little items scattered all over the house, and although our bedroom is our room, you can still find toys or clothing in there at some point during the week. I try to keep the house tidy, and I adore my wonderful children, but I figure it is about time that I had my own special space.

I created this spot in the corner of our office and put the things around me I love. My husbands grandmothers chair, my mothers beautiful settee she gave me this last year, a clock my father gave me for Christmas the year I got my first apartment, a picture we bought on our honeymoon in San Fransisco, a picture of our wedding day with our family, and also a picture soon to be filled of our beautiful little girls. Right above the chair sits a picture my brother got for me a few years back. It is tittled The Secret Hideaway. I felt is was so perfect, it was the finishing touch. What you don't see next to the chair are my special items. This includes my sketch books and pencils, my favorite magazines, my journal, and a book I have been wanting to read. I plan on spending 20 minutes in this spot everyday, even if the only thing I am hiding from is the children. (:

My something new today is my secret hideaway.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Day 8 - A Cup of Joe

I invited a new neighbor over for a cup of Joe and I made a new friend

When I was a child my mom would call her friends, or family and they would get together for a cup of Joe. They would sit around the table and talk about life, worries, happiness, and troubles. There was no problem a cup of Joe wouldn't fix and you can always get to know people over a cup of it.

Today I refer to my cup of Joe as coffee. I have this neighbor who lives down the street whom I have spoke to on occasion while getting the mail or in passing. I always thought she was so nice and funny and thought I would love to visit, so I would say "Lets have coffee." We always had good intentions, but it never seemed to work out. When running into her the other day I said, "Lets have coffee this Friday at my house." She agreed and today we sat and visited over a cup of coffee. I was so glad we did. I felt like I made a new friend. I had a great time getting to know her and sharing stories. It was almost like we had been friends for a long time.

There are so many things that come up in life, that we don't always take time for. There was a time when people knew all their neighbors by first name and considered themselves friends. I am happy to say that today I made a new friend on the block and I think this will not be the last time we talk over a cup of Joe.

Take time to get to know someone new. You'll be surprised at what a cup of Joe can do.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 7 - To the Moon or Bust

We flew to the moon tonight and had an amazing adventure.

I have had a Colormehouse rocket in my closet for 6 months waiting and saving it for a special day. The girls and I have colored the Colormehouse houses and LOVE them, but the rocket I was saving for a very special day. Today, today is that special day. In fact, every day is special. Why save things for another day, why not enjoy everyday and make every day count? You never know what will happen tomorrow.

With that I sent the girls upstairs to clean. You can imagine how happy they were about being sent to thier rooms to clean. You would have thought I sent them to scrub toilets and tubs with all the crying. When they went upstairs, I ran to the closet, got out our rocket, threw down a drop cloth, and set it up. Within 15 minutes they were asking to come down, rooms clean.

When they came down and saw the rocket, they all screamed, even Kyndall! We got out all our markers and starting drawing. The kids played in it all night and went to the moon several times laughing and screaming and giggling as little girls love to do. As they landed on the moon they would come out jumping up and down and then would head back to earth when they could no longer catch their breath. Kyndall kept yelling MORE! MORE!!

It brought me so much happiness to see them playing together and having so much fun. No TV, no Wii, just their creativity and their imagination leading the way. I plan on leaving this out for days and when it finally goes back in the closet it won't be there too long because I plan on taking many more adventures to the moon. We flew to the moon tonight and we had an amazing adventure!!!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day Six - Shopping for Eyelashes

I have always wanted to try fake eyelashes. Today that happened.

Today started out great. I figured I would get myself dressed up and put on a little make-up. I love make-up but the truth is I hardly have time to put it on so, a little blush, powder and mascara, and I am good to go. Today I wanted to take the extra time for foundation, concealer, eye shadow, you know, the works. I sat at my table with the pretty little lighted mirror my husband got me for Christmas and got started. Everything looked perfect except I needed to curl my eyelashes. I curled my eyelashes and took a look and HOLY CRAP!!! I think I am missing part of my eyelashes. No really! OH NO! I have somehow manage to cut off a portion of both my eyelashes, each side. That damn eyelash curler was off track and it snipped my eyelashes. I couldn't help it, I actually laughed. What the hell, a good excuse to get fake ones! I call my husband, he tries to show sympathy but he just can’t help it, and he starts laughing. I cut my eyelashes off today and so began my new thing for the day.

I have always had short eyelashes but come on, did I really need them this short? I have ALWAYS wanted to try fake lashes but for some reason thought they would be hard to apply, or that they would look crazy on me but I was soooooo wrong. I went to the store and bought a couple of different sets of eyelashes. I also bought a new mascara claiming to lengthen my lashes by 40%. I tried them both. Sure, the mascara made some of my lashes longer, but no matter how hard I tried, my short lashes stayed short. After applying the mascara the difference between the cut ones and the uncut where even more noticeable, and I looked like a crazy person. Next I tried the fake lashes and LOVED THEM. Why didn't I do this before? Anyone out there who has short lashes TRY IT! I couldn't believe how real they looked and I felt so dang fancy. I got new eyelashes today and I love them!!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day Five - A Memory Box

Today the girls and I created a memory box for 2010.
I thought if I am going to take a year on, I want something to put all our memories in. Something we can go to later in life and laugh, something we can go to at the end of the year and make a scrapbook out of it. I got a large plastic bin, got some permanent markers, stickers, and we all went to town. I told the girls we would write each thing we did on this bin, and by the time the year was over it would be covered with memories. The bin is a project that we started today, but that we would work on through out the year. My girls loved it! It was so cute to see all their faces as they added their decorations. It was even funnier to see my husbands face when he saw them with permanent markers. Today we made a memory box and I can't wait to see it at the years end.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Day Four - A Surprise Kiss

My sister-in-law makes the BEST cookies during the holiday season. A peanut butter cookie that contains a chocolate kiss inside of it. They are called a Surprise Kiss. My husband and I looked forward to her making these every year, but now that we are all in different states, we haven't been able to indulge in this mouth watering treat for a very long time.

Today I set out to master this recipe. I had the girls help too. The girls favorite part was licking the beaters, but isn't that everyone's favorite part? I love to cook, and normally it is a lot of fun, but tonight I dropped an egg on my shoe, and just about took my pinkie off with my beater. To top it off I burnt my hand trying to get cookies out and accidentally said a four letter word in front of my kids that I would never admit to.Even after all that, I would have to say these cookies were worth it. They are the kind of cookies that people eat the entire batch in one night. They are the kind of cookies where your mouth really does water. They are the kind of cookies where you say mmmmm mmmm, mmmmmmmmm to, and cause people to stare. They are by far the yummiest cookies to date. I tried a new recipe today and it was delicious!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Day Three - Trying a new local church

Day Three of this journey was try a new local church. This is something I have wanted to do for over 2 years now.

Trying a new local church seems like it would be easy to do but over the past 2 years something has held me back. I grew up in small church across the street from my childhood home, where I grew to know people well, and where many of us were like family. Some of my best memories in life were there, and some friends I still have to this day. Many things I learned there I've carried with me through out my life and have made me who I am today. I have known "my pastor" since the age of 6. I was confirmed by him, married by him, and he baptized my girls. I had a great experience growing up at our church and I want my girls to have a place just like I did. I also want a place for my husband and I to go to learn and have fellowship. This is important to us for many reasons. Sooooo what was holding me back? Hmmmm it is almost silly to admit but here we go.

1. My husband works a lot and Sunday morning he likes to have off.
2. What if we go, and it is terrible, and the service is so long.
3. What if they make us stand up and introduce ourselves.
4. What if it is not a fit for us.
5. What if they ask us to come to the front and introduce ourselves.
6. What if the sermon is soooooo long.
7. Last but not least, what if they make us stand up and introduce ourselves.

Yep, I admit it! For being an outgoing person, I do not like being made to stand up and introduce myself. It makes me soooooooo uncomfortable I could sink down into the pews and die.
It doesn't help I have difficultly sitting still for too long. Any longer than 30 minutes and I have to get up and move around, or I just start doodling. I think it is a side effect from long lectures in college. (:

Today is day three so I made a goal and I stuck to it. We got the girls ready, ourselves ready, and headed out to try a local church. The first thing that happened was my daughter saw one of her very good friends in her class, she screamed with joy! My other daughter was slightly hesitant but by the time I picked her up had made 3 new friends. Our youngest went in with no tears but smiles and didn't look back and guess what? No one made me stand up and introduce myself. Now, if they had, I still would have enjoyed myself because the message was outstanding. I kept looking at my husband as if to ask, "Is he talking to me? I swear, he is talking to me!" Have you ever had that feeling? Like someone put a speech together special for you. He talked so much about what I am trying to do this year and how new possibilities require courage. It is true. Trying new things can be scary, uncomfortable, nerve racking, but the reward can also be AWESOME. I tried something new today and I am so glad I did.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

DayTwo - Letters of Thanks

Today I sat down and wrote 10 thank you letters. I wrote 10 women in my life who have made an impact.

I love email. As soon as email came along I guess you could say I got lazy. Email has made my life easy. Just a quick type, hit a button and there ya go, you are done. Taking time to sit and write on paper and send it in the mail takes much more time, but what is wrong with taking time. Taking time to sit, to write, to say thank you for all you do and have done, to write it with your hand and not just buttons. I still have paper letters from friends, family and even one very special letter I have kept for years. This one letter was sent to me after high school from someone I barely knew and they thanked me for being nice. They said they had a hard time making friends, felt a little alone but that I was always nice to them and it made a difference in their life. People sometimes gave me a hard time for being too nice. But that letter, that letter said I made a difference, and that made all the difference in the world for me. Treat others how you want to be treated. I am far from perfect, but it is a rule I still try to live by.

So that is what I did today, I took time to thank 10 woman in my life who have made me smile, laugh or even sat and listened to me bitch and cry. I want them to know they have made a difference in my life and that I appreciate them and everything they do. I wrote it on some pretty paper, stuck it in the mail and away it went and I smiled. It felt good.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Day One - A Surprise Trip to the Movies

Today was the best day ever!” my 5 year old said at the end of the day. Day one of this journey included surprising my two oldest girls with a trip to the movies. This is something we haven’t done with the kids for almost 2 years.

I have to say I woke up excited about 2010 and all the things I would do. I actually woke up with a smile on my face which is pretty rare because I AM NOT a morning girl. My day started out with me saying a prayer of thanks. Thank you Lord for getting us through 2009. Thank you for my family, for my children and for our health. My dad would say that in any struggle, if you have your family, and you have your health, you have all you need.

I got up, made a yummy breakfast of eggs, bacon and biscuits, and we all sat around the table together and talked. I told each one of my girls the story of the day they were born and how excited and happy we were. They have heard this story before, but it is amazing how happy just sharing that story made them feel. We all left the table happy and I proceed to get ready for our little adventure for the day. I told the girls they would need to run some errands with me and as soon as those words came out of my mouth the fit hit the shan. The ultimate level of whining started. This whining started at 10 and did not end until 2:30. “I don’t want to run errands, I hate errands, errands are boring!” To be honest, I was so excited about the surprise I had for them that all I could do is laugh and stretch out the number of places we would go. Little did they know a surprise was waiting for them. When I informed Logan of my idea, he thought it was great. That was until he saw that our 2 year old was going to stay home with him. “Oh holy God help me” he said. I couldn’t help but laugh because watching the kids is what I do and only watching one is a piece of cake. To his defense, I will say our 2 year old can definitely be a handful.

The girls and I left and made our first stop to the dollar store. I let them each pick out a box of candy and proceeded to buy us all a crown. “What is that for mom?” Madelynn asked. I told her, “We will all be a princess for the day.” Then I crowned them “The McCollum princesses,” placed the crown on their head and a necklace of beads around their necks. Madelynn giggled and they smiled with delight. “Where now?” Hailey asked. “To the bank!” I said. “UGH, the BANK, I don’t like the bank. Can we eat our candy? When will we go home?” I just laughed. I made my way to the bank which happens to be next to the regal cinema in Sherwood. I park in front of the theater and my youngest says, “Why did you park so far from the bank? Mom……. MOM, MOM! Are we going to the movies?” “ Yep” I said. “MOM are we going to see The Princess and the Frog?” “Yes we are my princess, are you ready?” They scream and we go get our tickets and walk into the theater. What they did not know is that our very good friends are in there waiting for us, seats saved. They walk in and look for a seat and catch the eye of one of their best friends and scream! YEAH YEAH! “This is the best day ever!” I cannot tell you how this made me feel. With finances so tight, we haven’t been to a movie with the kids in a VERY long time. We figure, we will wait until it comes out on DVD, we have a great TV, so why not just watch it at home. The truth is that no matter how great your TV is, is not the same as experiencing a movie at the theater. I can rememeber seeing Lost Boys as a kid with my best bud Jenni B. and t o this day we still laugh about it.

My daughter Hailey said at least 20 times during the movie, “This is the best day ever!” My heart was full of joy. When we got home, she looked at me and with a big smile, “Mommy thank you, thank you so much. This was the best day ever." Thank you Hailey, thank you Madelynn for giving me the best day ever!