Day Three of this journey was try a new local church. This is something I have wanted to do for over 2 years now.
Trying a new local church seems like it would be easy to do but over the past 2 years something has held me back. I grew up in small church across the street from my childhood home, where I grew to know people well, and where many of us were like family. Some of my best memories in life were there, and some friends I still have to this day. Many things I learned there I've carried with me through out my life and have made me who I am today. I have known "my pastor" since the age of 6. I was confirmed by him, married by him, and he baptized my girls. I had a great experience growing up at our church and I want my girls to have a place just like I did. I also want a place for my husband and I to go to learn and have fellowship. This is important to us for many reasons. Sooooo what was holding me back? Hmmmm it is almost silly to admit but here we go.
1. My husband works a lot and Sunday morning he likes to have off.
2. What if we go, and it is terrible, and the service is so long.
3. What if they make us stand up and introduce ourselves.
4. What if it is not a fit for us.
5. What if they ask us to come to the front and introduce ourselves.
6. What if the sermon is soooooo long.
7. Last but not least, what if they make us stand up and introduce ourselves.
Yep, I admit it! For being an outgoing person, I do not like being made to stand up and introduce myself. It makes me soooooooo uncomfortable I could sink down into the pews and die.
It doesn't help I have difficultly sitting still for too long. Any longer than 30 minutes and I have to get up and move around, or I just start doodling. I think it is a side effect from long lectures in college. (:
Today is day three so I made a goal and I stuck to it. We got the girls ready, ourselves ready, and headed out to try a local church. The first thing that happened was my daughter saw one of her very good friends in her class, she screamed with joy! My other daughter was slightly hesitant but by the time I picked her up had made 3 new friends. Our youngest went in with no tears but smiles and didn't look back and guess what? No one made me stand up and introduce myself. Now, if they had, I still would have enjoyed myself because the message was outstanding. I kept looking at my husband as if to ask, "Is he talking to me? I swear, he is talking to me!" Have you ever had that feeling? Like someone put a speech together special for you. He talked so much about what I am trying to do this year and how
new possibilities require courage. It is true. Trying new things can be scary, uncomfortable, nerve racking, but the reward can also be AWESOME. I tried something new today and I am so glad I did.