"Woman was born to create...in creating she becomes herself, accomplishes her destiny. Her whole life is only an initiation into creative power. To create is not merely to produce a work...it is to give out ones own individuality."
-Jeanne De Vietinghoff

As moms we create art, peace, solutions, dinner, just about everything we do tests and uses our creativity. It expresses who we are. I hear so many people say, "Oh but I do not have a creative bone in my body!" I say B.S. to that. Using your creativity doesn't just mean sitting down to craft it up, or having the skill to paint a masterpiece. To me creativity is a state a mind. The ability to use ones senses and imagination all in one.

Using my creativity is my happy place. If only more people would believe in power of creativity we may not have so many disagreements in life, and the world would be a happier place, and we would love people for who they are, not who we want them to be.
Tonight I got creative with dinner and the kids loved it. I also got creative with some pictures I took this summer and I have to say tonight I am a happy girl!