With three little girls, it seems as though they have taken over in most rooms. Of course I still claim the kitchen as mine, since I do most the cooking. My husband claims the garage, but can you blame him when he is out numbered 4 to 1? The truth is, you can find their little items scattered all over the house, and although our bedroom is our room, you can still find toys or clothing in there at some point during the week. I try to keep the house tidy, and I adore my wonderful children, but I figure it is about time that I had my own special space.

I created this spot in the corner of our office and put the things around me I love. My husbands grandmothers chair, my mothers beautiful settee she gave me this last year, a clock my father gave me for Christmas the year I got my first apartment, a picture we bought on our honeymoon in San Fransisco, a picture of our wedding day with our family, and also a picture soon to be filled of our beautiful little girls. Right above the chair sits a picture my brother got for me a few years back. It is tittled The Secret Hideaway. I felt is was so perfect, it was the finishing touch. What you don't see next to the chair are my special items. This includes my sketch books and pencils, my favorite magazines, my journal, and a book I have been wanting to read. I plan on spending 20 minutes in this spot everyday, even if the only thing I am hiding from is the children. (:
My something new today is my secret hideaway.