I have always stressed to our girls to always have each others backs. That family will be there always, no matter what, but what I realized is that I also need to teach my girls the importance of friendships. I can honestly say that a lot of my friends I have today I have known most of my life. In fact, one of the closest people to me in life, I have known since 4th grade. I have been blessed with so many wonderful friends that have been there for me through good and bad times, and many of these friendships I developed as a child. My daughters are growing older and I realized they need that too. We all need our girlsfriends. I can’t imagine my life without mine.
Today we had my daughter’s best friend over from school. They are two peas in a pod. They laughed and smiled and hid out in Madelynn’s room just being girls. They discussed a club, rules and who would be invited, and they whispered and giggled all the way through. In that moment it was a flash back to age 7, and how your best friend was the coolest thing ever. How they understood you better than anyone else and how you enjoyed just hanging out together. They rode the bus home together, talked, played, had pizza, then finally said goodbye, and my daughter immediately asked when we can do this again. It is funny to think in 28 years they could be sitting and talking about the time they spent together as kids and what fun they had. I realized tonight how enjoyable it was having my daughter’s friend here, and that my little girl is growing up.
Today began my daughter’s lesson in the bonds girls can share, and the importance of friendship.