Friday, January 14, 2011

YOGA ~ Day 37

I thought since I tried Zumba, I should try Yoga. It was great!! The funniest part of the whole thing was not the positions we tried, or the movements, or the stance I had to hold for minutes at a time, but the music that was on shuffle. It went from Enya to Eminem and I found my head bobbing and a little laughter escape from me when I realized I just heard the F bomb on the loud speakers during Yoga. The instructor also laughed and explained it must be on shuffle. With a variety of music that included Twisted Sister, and Def Leppard, I would say it was not what I was expecting, but I really enjoyed it and will try it again.

Fly Lady Challenge
Hot Spots ~ Day 6
Same as day before with a new thing, putting out hotspots

I am still in the kitchen zone and I wiped down the doors of my cabinets and it was planning day to plan my week out.

The kitchen is really looking good!!