For Christmas my brother got the girls a karaoke machine and it just arrived. I love to sing, but I don’t know who loves it more, the girls or myself. We unpacked it and each took turns at singing. It is funny, I love to sing but singing in front of others is a whole new story. When the microphone is to your mouth and your voice is amplified, it is a little nerve racking at first, but who am I kidding... I let loose and sang as loud as I could. It was AWESOME. The kids and my husband sat around and clapped when I finished and even if I stunk, they thought I was great, and that is all that matters. I swear everyone needs one of these things!!!

Our new thing for the day was a Karaoke Machine, and it rocks. Did I mention I bought the Taylor Swift Fearless Karaoke CD too, I, I mean the kids, love it!