I am the first to admit I do not like being sick. I just do not have the patience for it. It makes me grumpy and bah hum bug and cranky to say the least. I went all day without doing something new and then at 7:15 we had a visitor. Our friends drop by some sweet treats for the holidays, her children sang us a song and it put a smile on all our faces. That is when I realized a great way to get rid of my foul mood, do something nice for someone else. I wanted to do something that would make someone smile like what they did for us. Since the flu was waging war againist my body, I knew singing tonight was out of the question but something else came to mind. Something that brought about my Christmas spirit. I decided to make Christmas cards for my nieces and nephews. I remember being so excited to receive something in the mail as a child and I hope this does the same for them. I went online and found a cute design, Rudolph singing his heart out. I hope this will put a smile on their faces.
My new thing for the day was making Christmas cards for my wonderful nieces and nephews. The truth is I haven't sent Christmas cards to the kids before, Christmas cards are normally sent to the adults. Valentines yes, but never Christmas cards. My plan is to stick them in the mail tomorrow and enclose a candy cane. The little ones will actually recieve their cards and they will signed from Santa. The older kids cards are from us and a little different. The should get them in a few days and I am excited to hear about their reactions. I can honestly say that I am going to bed with joy in my heart.