I figure with this being our last day, my husband would not be up for going anywhere, but he surprised us by taking the kids and me to Carmel. It had to be 70 degrees and the sky was blue. We walked around the shops and stopped for coffee and treats, and I swear the smile on my face was so big people probably thought I was up to no good. Everyone around on the streets would smile and say hi and comment, "Isn't it a beautiful day?" We would agree because honestly it was the thing that you were saying over and over again in your head, "This is such a beautiful day!" So many were out walking their pets and we happened to run into a horse dog. I call it that because it had to be the biggest dog I have ever seen in my life. White and fluffy and sweet as could be. The girls happily petted the dog and it would just turn and nuzzle them and lick their hands.

After a walk around the town we headed down to the beach and parked and we all played in the sand and chased waves. The waves were so powerful and the crash of them on the beach sand seemed to shake the earth. It was nothing less than beautiful. It had been 7 years since I set foot on that beach and as we drove away I promised myself I would never wait 7 years to return.