Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 46 ~ Santa Cruz

Today my husband and I spent some time looking through the local shops in Santa Cruz. This was my first time and all I can say is I can not wait for summer!!! The weather was outstanding and I was able to wear a T-shirt and shorts. Back home I would be in pants and a sweatshirt. Although I do love Oregon, you can't deny the Cali love. My husband and I both grew up close to the beach, and although he is from NorCal, and I am from SoCal, the beach just brings a smile out in both of us. It is hard to believe tomorrow is our last day.

We also watched a new movie tonight and laughed our butts off. Couples Retreat was hilarious and with my in-laws 60 inch TV, it was just as good as a movie theater. We made popcorn, and had candy, and enjoyed one of our last nights here. I have to say I am pretty lucky to have the in-laws I do. I hear so many horror stories of peoples in-laws being a little on the crazy side, but mine are pretty fabulous.

New shops with a new movie was a pretty great way to spend the day. Tomorrow is our last day and I plan on enjoying it and the sun as much as possible.