Yep, I said it, being sick sucks. I wish I had another word to describe how I feel but sucks is as good as it gets. It seems these past couple months have been a roller coaster ride, a ride I did not want to get on, nor would I ever wish to get on. Long story short, after umpteen doctor visits, blood draws, prescriptions, vitamins and ups and downs, it finally seems I am starting to feel good again. I am so happy winter is almost over and the flower bulbs are starting to grow. Spring can be a beautiful time of year.
Enough about my woes, and on to something new......
If I hadn't mentioned this before, I am gluten free. I love soft bread rolls and pizza but because of a health issue I was advised to stay away from it, it has been almost a year. I swear I mourned over it for a good 3 months and every so often I still want to kick something. I have found some good substitutes, and it really doesn't bother me anymore, but nothing can compare to a soft roll, scones or good old pizza crust made with regular white flour. One of my new things for the day included a new recipe that was better than any flour mix I have ever tried and it is gluten free. Gluten Free Corn Bread. My girls couldn't tell the difference and I couldn't stop eating it.
Gluten Free Corn Bread
Now that I am on the road to feeling good again, I plan to write more, and try more new things.
A journey of a stay at home mom to make the most of life by trying something new everyday for 365 days. The goal is simple, to life, give, love, and to laugh.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Saturday, January 15, 2011
No Computer ~ Day 38
Holy Smokes, my new thing for the day was by no choice. This put me in panic mode, to say the least. My computer went dead on me. Literally would not do anything. My husband tried messing with it for a few hours and could not fix and we decided to let it rest a day. That whole day I can't tell you how many times I went to the computer to check email, look up something, print out worksheets, look at weather, only to find it ignoring me and laughing as I squirmed. The spent the whole day off the computer and it made me realize I probably spend too much time on it. It takes away time from other things in my life and maybe I should have a set time a day that I allow myself. That is what my new thing for the day taught me, seems I learn something new every day about myself.
My new thing for the day was no computer. It is now working, and I am getting caught up on the posts I wasn't able to write.
Fly Lady Challenge
Day 7 ~ Pick out your clothes the night before
Same as yesterday with putting out hotspots added and now the new challenge laying out your clothes the night before
Funny thing about that is, I do that for my girls but never thought about doing it for myself. It definitley will reduce stress of getting ready in morning.
We were also still doing the kitchen which included cleaning out the fridge and all around it. My kitchen is looking AWESOME these days!! (Just don't look in the office please.)
My new thing for the day was no computer. It is now working, and I am getting caught up on the posts I wasn't able to write.
Fly Lady Challenge
Day 7 ~ Pick out your clothes the night before
Same as yesterday with putting out hotspots added and now the new challenge laying out your clothes the night before
Funny thing about that is, I do that for my girls but never thought about doing it for myself. It definitley will reduce stress of getting ready in morning.
We were also still doing the kitchen which included cleaning out the fridge and all around it. My kitchen is looking AWESOME these days!! (Just don't look in the office please.)
Friday, January 14, 2011
YOGA ~ Day 37
I thought since I tried Zumba, I should try Yoga. It was great!! The funniest part of the whole thing was not the positions we tried, or the movements, or the stance I had to hold for minutes at a time, but the music that was on shuffle. It went from Enya to Eminem and I found my head bobbing and a little laughter escape from me when I realized I just heard the F bomb on the loud speakers during Yoga. The instructor also laughed and explained it must be on shuffle. With a variety of music that included Twisted Sister, and Def Leppard, I would say it was not what I was expecting, but I really enjoyed it and will try it again.
Fly Lady Challenge
Hot Spots ~ Day 6
Same as day before with a new thing, putting out hotspots
I am still in the kitchen zone and I wiped down the doors of my cabinets and it was planning day to plan my week out.
The kitchen is really looking good!!
Fly Lady Challenge
Hot Spots ~ Day 6
Same as day before with a new thing, putting out hotspots
I am still in the kitchen zone and I wiped down the doors of my cabinets and it was planning day to plan my week out.
The kitchen is really looking good!!
Monday, January 10, 2011
ZUMBA ~ Day 36
Today I tried my first Zumba class. It is something that was on my list of things to try for the new year. I LOVED IT!! I have to admit, I am a little sore... I hope I am able to move tomorrow. I want to try it again this week!
My new thing for the day was ZUMBA, and it rocked!
Write down what you hear - Day 5
- Getting Dressed when I wake up
- Keep your sink shining
- Read messages and stories
- Start writing things down
- Change the negative you hear in your head to positive self talk
This week she is also focusing on the kitchen, so she said to look up and get all the dust and webs and all that fun stuff. No webs here, but the top of the fridge and cabinets had so much dust my black clothes looked grey. YUCK. OK so I never look there, you caught me.
Also I had to spend 10 minutes on each:
•Quick Mop
•Polish Mirrors and Doors - had the kids do this
•Purge magazines/catalogs - I don't have any laying around
•Change Sheets
•Empty all trash cans - had the kids to this
Love doing the 10 minute timed thing. Hate spending too much time on one thing. This made the house look pretty darn good. My husband even gave me a "Wow, it looks really nice in here". The pat on the back I needed, but don't pat too hard, it hurts from ZUMBA!
My new thing for the day was ZUMBA, and it rocked!
Write down what you hear - Day 5
- Getting Dressed when I wake up
- Keep your sink shining
- Read messages and stories
- Start writing things down
- Change the negative you hear in your head to positive self talk
This week she is also focusing on the kitchen, so she said to look up and get all the dust and webs and all that fun stuff. No webs here, but the top of the fridge and cabinets had so much dust my black clothes looked grey. YUCK. OK so I never look there, you caught me.
Also I had to spend 10 minutes on each:
•Quick Mop
•Polish Mirrors and Doors - had the kids do this
•Purge magazines/catalogs - I don't have any laying around
•Change Sheets
•Empty all trash cans - had the kids to this
Love doing the 10 minute timed thing. Hate spending too much time on one thing. This made the house look pretty darn good. My husband even gave me a "Wow, it looks really nice in here". The pat on the back I needed, but don't pat too hard, it hurts from ZUMBA!
A Special Treat ~ Day 35
Today I surprised my lovely girls with a yummy treat, I saw this idea on One Charming Party. I modified the drink but non the less, it was so good! First hot cocoa with marshmellow, I let it sit to melt the marshmellows some and then added cold milk with a snickerdoodle on top. Warm chocolate milk with marshmellows and snickerdoodles, could anything be any yummier.
Write things down - Day 4
- Getting Dressed when I wake up
- Keep your sink shining
- Read messages and stories
- Start writing things down
She wants me to make notes so I can remember things, that is actually a great idea. The stories give great ideas on how to get rid of clutter and such. So far, so good
So far so good, the house is looking better every day. Little things like keeping my sink clean is a wonderful thing to come down to in the morning!
Write things down - Day 4
- Getting Dressed when I wake up
- Keep your sink shining
- Read messages and stories
- Start writing things down
She wants me to make notes so I can remember things, that is actually a great idea. The stories give great ideas on how to get rid of clutter and such. So far, so good
So far so good, the house is looking better every day. Little things like keeping my sink clean is a wonderful thing to come down to in the morning!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Wall Street ~ Day 34
Today I took it easy, feeling a little under the weather. My new thing for the day was Wall Street Money Never Sleeps. Never sleeps, huh, sounds like me. I did like it and so did my husband. I was very tired and it was my new thing for the day. Sleep sounds pretty good!
Day 3 ~ Do what we have already done
-Getting up and dressing to lace up shoes
-Keeping your sink shining
-Signed up for daily tips
Like the clean sink, get up and getting dressed right aways is OK, I like my breakfast first and a little waking up first but I will stick with it. Asked me how I feel in two weeks, I may change my mind. :)
Day 3 ~ Do what we have already done
-Getting up and dressing to lace up shoes
-Keeping your sink shining
-Signed up for daily tips
Like the clean sink, get up and getting dressed right aways is OK, I like my breakfast first and a little waking up first but I will stick with it. Asked me how I feel in two weeks, I may change my mind. :)
Chapters Books and Coffee ~ Day 33
My friend introduced me to a new coffee shop. It is not new, but is new to me and is something I want to kick myself about. I cannot believe I haven't been there before. It was the best coffee shop with a variety of books and teas and was HUGE, with a small coffee house feel. They even offered soy, rice, coconut and almond milk for us girls who don't drink milk. All I can say is I LOVED IT!!
My new thing for the day, Chapters Books and Coffee, I plan on going back very soon.
Day 2 Get dressed to lace up shoes
I had to get ready first thing when I woke up UGH!!!
Sine my sink before bed too, I kinda like this!
My new thing for the day, Chapters Books and Coffee, I plan on going back very soon.
Day 2 Get dressed to lace up shoes
I had to get ready first thing when I woke up UGH!!!
Sine my sink before bed too, I kinda like this!
Friday, January 7, 2011
The Fly Lady ~ Day 32
Who is the fly lady you asked? I came across the fly lady through several recommendations from friends. My house feels like constant Chaos with toys, clothes, mail, you know the drill. She defines CHAOS as Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome. Needless to say I decided to check her out and have decided to do her 31 day challenge. In fact, I have a few different challenges I will try this month.
My new thing for day was taking on the fly lady challenge. Check it out for yourself.
Day One ~ Go shine your sink!
There is a method to a shiny sink, you can see it for yourself at
Make it shine like the top of the chrysler building!
My new thing for day was taking on the fly lady challenge. Check it out for yourself.
Day One ~ Go shine your sink!
There is a method to a shiny sink, you can see it for yourself at
Make it shine like the top of the chrysler building!
Portland's Art Museum ~ Day 31
My new thing for the day was the Portlands Art Museum, I loved it. I had never been there before, it was a site to see. I wish I had some pictures to show unfortunately you can't take pictures inside the museum which I understand so instead I grab a few shot outside the building as we left walking in the rain. The best part about the trip was the fact I was there with my oldest. We talked about our favorite pieces and what must inspired these people to create the things they did. All I can say is the mind of a child is amazing. She saw things in pieces that others would have missed and talked about the sculptures the rest of the evening.
I loved this tree, there was something about it that seemed so alive to me.
My new thing for the day was the Portland Art Museum, something everyone should see. I plan on going back.
Check it out at
I loved this tree, there was something about it that seemed so alive to me.
My new thing for the day was the Portland Art Museum, something everyone should see. I plan on going back.
Check it out at
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Calming Sea ~ Day 30
I have been having some difficulty falling asleep at night. Ok, a lot of difficulty, and I have resorted to numerous things to try to help my ease into slumber. I have used bedtime tea, reading before bed, no TV before bed, no computer before bed, no sugar, no caffeine, just about everything to help me to fall asleep. My new thing for the day was the Calming Sea CD, which has music with waves in the background. It is wonderful, I love the sound of the ocean, it always sets me at peace. Did I fall asleep a little easier, no, but I would say it did help me relax.
My new thing for the day, was the Calming Sea. Although I wish I was on the beach hearing the waves for myself, in my bikini, with my feet in the sand, the sun on my skin and not a grey cloud in site, it was the closest thing to it.
My new thing for the day, was the Calming Sea. Although I wish I was on the beach hearing the waves for myself, in my bikini, with my feet in the sand, the sun on my skin and not a grey cloud in site, it was the closest thing to it.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Karaoke Baby ~ Day 29
For Christmas my brother got the girls a karaoke machine and it just arrived. I love to sing, but I don’t know who loves it more, the girls or myself. We unpacked it and each took turns at singing. It is funny, I love to sing but singing in front of others is a whole new story. When the microphone is to your mouth and your voice is amplified, it is a little nerve racking at first, but who am I kidding... I let loose and sang as loud as I could. It was AWESOME. The kids and my husband sat around and clapped when I finished and even if I stunk, they thought I was great, and that is all that matters. I swear everyone needs one of these things!!!

Our new thing for the day was a Karaoke Machine, and it rocks. Did I mention I bought the Taylor Swift Fearless Karaoke CD too, I, I mean the kids, love it!
Monday, January 3, 2011
The Daily Dialogue ~ Day 28
I am a worrier. I admit it. I wish I wasn't, but I often worry about things that are just out of my control. One of my goals for 2011 is to worry less and turn things over to God. Mathew 6:34 says "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."
I started reading Simple Abundance, a book I bought years ago but never finished. She talks about buying a spiral notebook and just writing your worries down, just let them spill out onto the paper and then let them go, come back to them later, if need be. That is what I did, I wrote down my worries and tried to let them go, and turn them over to God. Simple Abundance says it so well, "Life never calms down long enough for us to wait until tomorrow to start living the lives we deserve." I believe God truly wants us to live our life to the fullest, everyday.
Today I made a choice to let go, and put the worries on the paper. My new thing for the day was a Daily Dialogue.
I started reading Simple Abundance, a book I bought years ago but never finished. She talks about buying a spiral notebook and just writing your worries down, just let them spill out onto the paper and then let them go, come back to them later, if need be. That is what I did, I wrote down my worries and tried to let them go, and turn them over to God. Simple Abundance says it so well, "Life never calms down long enough for us to wait until tomorrow to start living the lives we deserve." I believe God truly wants us to live our life to the fullest, everyday.
Today I made a choice to let go, and put the worries on the paper. My new thing for the day was a Daily Dialogue.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
First Sleep over ~ Day 27
My 6 year old had a friend spend the night for the first time. Her older sister was going to a slumber party, so I thought it would be a fun thing for her to bring in the new year. Both girls had a blast, popcorn, movies, cookies, dancing, playing. She cried when her friend left but I was so glad to have done this for her.
Hailey had her first sleepover and she said, "It was awesome!" I agree!
Hailey had her first sleepover and she said, "It was awesome!" I agree!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
New Years Eve ~ Day 26
Last night proved to be a fun New Years Eve. This is the first year we have taken the girls out and celebrated New Years together. Since we had children we have spent most of our New Years at home and if we did go out, which was rare, we got a babysitter. Our new thing for the day was going out for New Years Eve and celebrating as a family.
We first took the girls to dinner, it is always fun surprising them. They had all gotten dressed up for a night out on the town, and each fought to sit next to Dad at the table. I lost and my oldest won, she couldn't have been more happy.
After dinner we went and got everyone their favorite piece of candy and then went to a friend's house. They laughed most of the night and our youngest was so tired she crashed out in my arms. She made it until 10. The two oldest made it until 11:00 at which time we knew it was time for us all to go home and get some pjs on. They were so tired they couldn't make it until 12 am and crashed in bed around 11:45 pm.

They woke up talking about how much fun they had and that next year, they would make it until midnight. Once again it was just my hubby and I when the clock struck 12. While we sat on our couch, he kissed me and I thought there is no place in the world I would rather be than there with him in our home, snuggled on the couch together.
2010 was a little tough, but we made it and we are very happy, and very blessed. I am looking forward to a new year and I wish you all a beautiful New Year full of laughter and love.
We first took the girls to dinner, it is always fun surprising them. They had all gotten dressed up for a night out on the town, and each fought to sit next to Dad at the table. I lost and my oldest won, she couldn't have been more happy.
After dinner we went and got everyone their favorite piece of candy and then went to a friend's house. They laughed most of the night and our youngest was so tired she crashed out in my arms. She made it until 10. The two oldest made it until 11:00 at which time we knew it was time for us all to go home and get some pjs on. They were so tired they couldn't make it until 12 am and crashed in bed around 11:45 pm.

They woke up talking about how much fun they had and that next year, they would make it until midnight. Once again it was just my hubby and I when the clock struck 12. While we sat on our couch, he kissed me and I thought there is no place in the world I would rather be than there with him in our home, snuggled on the couch together.
2010 was a little tough, but we made it and we are very happy, and very blessed. I am looking forward to a new year and I wish you all a beautiful New Year full of laughter and love.
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