The Five Love Languages was recommended to me by my amazing friend Sarah. Today I finished it and I have to say I learned a lot. It talks about how we all feel love in different ways. Some feel love through Words of Affirmation, some through Quality Time. Others feel love through Receiving Gifts, others Acts of Service and some through Physical Touch. Gary Chapman calls these the love languages. I found out with my husband my biggest love language was quality time. What I desire most is to be able to have quality time together and quality time with the kids. His on the other hand, is acts of service. He works two jobs and works hard at everything he does to express love to his family. Now my job is to figure out ways to express more love to him on his love language and because he loves me he will now read the book and make more effort to do the same. I think marriage is a combination of love and work. We have our highs and lows but we know that at the end of each day there is no one we would rather be there with than each other. There are some days when there is more work but I can honestly say there is ALWAYS love. The love dare refers to this as agape, unconditional love. I have also been reading the Love Dare which is an amazing book. My dare for the day is to do something out of the ordinary for my spouse - something that proves that my love is based on choice and nothing else. To demonstrate love to them for the sheer joy of being their partner in marriage.
So for today I did two new things. I read the Five Love Languages, which I HIGHLY recommended to any married couple and I also cleaned the downstairs spotless for my husband who loves a tidy home. Let me tell you cleaning and scrubbing floors after the kids are in bed is not my first choice, but my hubby is.
LOVE this post. That's a great book. Glad you're reading it. I highly recommend making love to your husband. He'll feel "loved" and you're the only person in the entire world who can love him like that. Makes you feel pretty special, eh?
ReplyDeleteJodi, my husband officially thinks you rock!