My mother and I purchased the book Simple Abundance written by Sarah Ban Breathnach some years ago. I would even say it has been close to almost 10 years since I first purchased this book. It has so many good insights and good ideas but one of my favorites is the idea of a Gratitude Journal. In this Gratitude Journal you write 5 things you are grateful for everyday. These blessing could be the smell of your favorite candle to the roof over your head. This is to help you focus on the blessing and abundance we have in our lives because we all have things to be grateful for everyday. It helps you focus on what you have rather than what you don't. I really love this idea, and is something I would like our whole family to focus on this coming year.
Today my new thing for the day was buying three gratitude journals for myself and my two oldest girls. We sat down together and wrote 5 things and shared them with each other and tonight we will share them with you.

I am grateful for:
1. Running into friends at the grocery store, I actually enjoy this!
2. I am thankful that even though my parents don't live close I can still call them every day and that they are still here and a part of my life
3. I am thankful for my oldest brother who always comes running in any emergency, stays calm and takes charge of the situation.
4. Hands down, for a hard working loving hubby,
5. I am thankful for 3 wonderful healthy children.
My 6 year old said she was thankful for
1. Sarah giving her so many stickers
2. Her mommy
3. Her daddy
4. Her sisters
5. School
My 8 year old said she was thankful for
1. Food
2. Her Sisters
3. Her Christmas tree
4. Family
5. Uncles and Aunts
6. Toys
7. TV
8. A Home
The best apart about this is my 8 year old wanted to know if she could write more than five. She told me, "There are so many things I am thankful for mom, I am not sure this book has enough pages."
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